09 November 2009


Somewhere I want go as your wish. Sometimes I ask should I go there. Looks. I See the changing. The wind blows over there. Now I should go. LETS ME GO AS YOUR WISH MY LORD!

04 August 2009


Yesterday, I have trying to make gado – gado padang one of Indonesian culinary recipe. Padang is a city in west sumatra, Indonesia. All compositions of gado – gado I bought from Sentolo a traditional market not far from my house. My family says that my gado – gado is delicious. We enjoy with coconut water drinking for our fasting break in the evening. I have made gado – gado for seven big portions for all my family.

If you want to make this gado – gado tropical dish you need to prepare 7 medium boiling potatoes (solanum tuberosum) then cut any large ones into sixths, 7 small boiling eggs and cut the large ones into eights, boiling ½ half small chicken meat and slice manually, ½ medium bow of short time boiling sprout or pouring hot water into sprout about 15 minutes, ½ medium bow of cabbage slice into a small slices and pouring hot water about 15 minutes, 1 small bow of fry peanut than chopped smooth and fry until light brown, vegetable oil for frying peanut sauce, small crispy snack and onion fried for complete pouring over serving. For peanut sauce spices you need 9 red onion (Allium cepa), 7 white onions, 7 red hot chili (Capsicum spp), and salt all finely chopped and mixture with frying smooth peanut. Other spices 1 small ginger (Zingeber officinale rosk rhizome), 1 small galingale (Alpinia galanga (L) wild rhizome) chopped crude, 3 stick of lemongrass (citronella folium) choose the white part and crude chopped, 2 salam leafs (Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp folium), 1 liters of milk squeezed from coconut, and enough sugar.

To make peanut sauce fry with vegetable oil ginger, galingale, salam leaf, lemongrass and sugar until natural aromatic smell. Add milk of coconut, add seasoning smooth peanut, and cook until look oily.

For beautiful decorative serving, on a medium platter, lay slice potatoes, slice cabbage, sprout, and slice eggs, slice chicken meat, cover with peanut sauce or mix it. Garnish with crispy snack, and fried onion.

Simple to make and delicious to enjoy, this one of traditional Indonesian food which I love. If you want other Indonesian tradition food maybe we can share how to make it. Enough for today see you, hope happy for all and thank you.

For further reading:

Kumpulan Resep Masakan Tradisional dari Sabang sampai Merauke by Badiatul Muchlisin Asti and Laela Nurisysyafa’ah. First Ed. 2009, MedPress, JogjakartaIndonesia.

23 July 2009

Consider Klebakan: “Dark” History of My Dusun.

Consider Klebakan: “Dark” History of My Dusun.

I live in Klebakan a small area or dusun (dusun is part of village) in Salamrejo Village, Sentolo Distric, Kulon Progo Region, and Jogjakarta Province, Indonesia. Not much people know how this area was named. I am not found the sources which explain how this place was named. This made me want to know because it would be knowledge for the future generation or at least give me a light how is the history of my place. This is not research but I was try to open this by asking only one of old man who is still living (end of 2007 questions ) that I consider him know about it. His name is Mr. Padmo Suwarno last time he was ever become the leader in this area after this country got it independence in 1945. I guest this village growth after this region was opened and become part of Mataram Kingdom in the last 20 century (?).
He notes that the name of Klebakan was taking from a couple traditional leaders names that open this area. They are Kyai lebak and Nyai lebak. We can find the graveyard of them at east crossroad Ngelo part of Klebakan area. Instead of that Ngelo was named from Lo tree. He adds last time a lot of big bird like Bangau live on that tree. But that tree was dying now and we can’t find it trace around northwest Ngelo crossroad again.
Back to Klebakan my area. I am still thinking about Sumur Lebak existence also. Near Klebakan area in south west found a Lebak sites it is like an old water source. Now in 2009 that place still rounds by the sawah or place to grow rice plant. But this place is never be considering as the name of my places I don’t know why may be because of this sites is not familiar here. But some of people here care this place and build the fence around the sumur lebak and now we can see it better than before. I mean eye catching. Is the name of Lebak this no correlation with Klebakan? I am still doubt with this. Back to Mr. Padmo Suwarno I ever ask about the meaning of Lebak. He said that Lebak means wet because a lot of water there. But in fact now we can still find that this place is a sawah or wet place.
…… Yach! This is my places looks dark in its history. Anybody know about this? How about your place history? Share it with me guys! Thank you.


16 July 2009


Thanks God !

One day in a lifetime. Flow one name to be known.
My name is Nikmah Isnaini Rahayu. Born in Kulon Progo, 7 March 1982.
There are many thing that i can share for you.
I can be your friend and partner.
This massage is open, wide and unlimited
